In which I introduce myself.


Hello! My name is Uma, although I will respond to a variety of things, including but not limited to “hey, you!”, and “the person with the stuff.” At this point in my life, I am 20 years old. I am studying geology at Penn State, and taking a month off to study various tectonic plate boundaries across the world- convergent subduction, divergent, and transformative.

First stop- Lima, Peru, a city on the cusp of a oceanic-continental subduction zone located near the Andes Mountains.


The next week-Reykjavik, Iceland. There, I will study a divergent tectonic plate boundary responsible for the constant expansion of Iceland.


And lastly, I will be visiting San Francisco to study the infamous San Andreas fault at work, the transform fault on my list.


Thanks for joining me on my journey! Enjoy the ride!

*Please keep in mind that this is an entirely fictitious account of a fictitious journey. Any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental.

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